Our event calendar is under construction. Check back in late July for all WSPEI events


* indicates required

Birth to 3/EC Transition Roadmap

Transition to 3!  Roadmap for this important shift from Birth to 3

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About Me

Share information about your young child 

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Help to prepare for the IEP meeting

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Endrew F Toolkit

Talking points for families

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Student Snapshot

Families can share information about their child

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Family Profile

Share information about your family

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Literacy Survey

Sharing your child's reading interests can help their teacher support goals

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Special Education Resources

Important Special Education Resources for families with children with an IEP of all ages

Click for Document

My Snapshot

Students can share information using this form
Click for Form

CCR-IEP 5 Step Guide for Families

Share details about your child including, but not limited to, your hopes and dreams for her/him/them.
Find Document Here

College and Career Ready IEP Brochure

Together Everyone Achieves More
To Download Brochure

CCR IEP Agenda

Family and student input is valued and needed during the CCR IEP process. This agenda provides a framework for IEP team discussions.
Click for Document

For questions regarding supports and services WSPEI staff can provide, send an email to: wspei@cesa12.org